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What You Will Learn in Mitigation Arc

Digital courses and an interactive community to help members prepare for the best-possible outcomes from a government investigation or criminal prosecution.


Get information to help through any stage before the plea.


Learn how to prepare for the pre-sentence investigation.


Start building a strategy to prepare before sentencing.


Launch a campaign to get character-reference letters that will help your attorney.


Start sowing seeds that will advance your candidacy for the earliest possible release.


Develop an understanding of how to self-advocate through the journey.




Hi, I'm Michael Santos.
I created the Mitigation Arc to help all justice-impacted people, just like you...

If authorities target you for an investigation or prosecution, you want a guide to help you make better decisions at every stage of the journey. While serving 26 years in federal prison, I developed programs and strategies to recalibrate and rebuild. You will learn from our digital courses, interactive webinars, and community. We provide templates and samples so that you can develop effective self-advocacy strategies. Start sowing seeds for liberty and prosperity now. (See the timeline below for full insight into my credentials and why Mitigation Arc can help you!)


Helping over 1000+ justice-impacted people navigate every stage of the journey.

Learn why leaders trust us, and you can too.

Bureau of Prisons

(BOP)—While serving a 26-year sentence, Mr. Santos used his time to transform his life. Today, he is a productive, law-abiding citizen-a university professor, prison consultant, motivational speaker, life coach, and an advocate for criminal justice reform.

See Timeline Link Below

Robina Institute

His advocacy began early during the 45-year prison term that Santos served, as stated by Pulitzer Prize Winner. During his decades in prison, Santos successfully transformed his life. His opportunities required planning, foresight, self-discipline, and talent.

See Timeline Link Below

Stanford Law School

While in prison Mr. Santos has become a serious scholar of the criminal justice system. His extensive writings transcend any ideological criticism and any personal self-justification. We look forward to an association between him and our Stanford Criminal Justice Center.

See Timeline Link Below

Hastings Law School

[Santos] offers suggestions to implement a merit-based system in the U.S. prison system. The article disrupts the concept that we should measure justice through the length of time that an individual serves in prison. We should pursue justice differently.

See Timeline Link Below


His advocacy began early during the 45-year prison term that Santos served, as stated by Pulitzer Prize Winner. During his decades in prison, Santos successfully transformed his life for the better. After release, he taught at San Francisco State University. He advocates for reform of America's criminal justice system.

See Timeline Link Below